How to Become a Safetree Insurance Broker?

An insurance agent works in the insurance sector with a company and sells general or specific insurance products. If you wish to know how to become a Safetree insurance broker, read on. You should have passed class 10th and over 18 years of age. You need to have a valid PAN Card or Adhar Card. Safetree provides a perfect platform for aspiring candidates to become insurance agents. They provide the necessary education and training that prepares them for this lucrative job. They can either specialize in a specific insurance agent or become a general insurance agent.


How to become a general insurance agent?


If you wish to know how to become ageneral insurance agent and the role, here is what you should know. By general insurance, we mean all those insurance policies that do not insure life like bike insurance, car insurance, SFSP insurance, travel insurance, and health insurance. These policies help buyers keep their assets protected in the event of losses due to sudden unfortunate events. Safetree educates and trains registered candidates about insurance products, their features, and specifications. This education helps them to convince the buyers looking to buy a policy. They can help them select the most suitable product as per precise requirements.


Qualifications to Become an Insurance Agent


When looking for how to become avehicle insurance agent, here are the qualifications that need to be met.


The candidate must be


·       18 years of age

·       Must have completed education up to at least Class 10.

·       Need to have a valid PAN Card and Aadhaar Card.

·       Complete specific training schedule as prescribed.


The process of registering to become a Safetree Insurance agent is very simple and hassle-free. Sign up by filling the application form and upload the requirements. Start the training, complete it successfully, and become a POS agent ready for a lucrative career.



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